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Near Each Other Option
This is a field search interface and will assist you in search for specific judgments / cases (A) Advance Search Search for cases by selecting “Act / Statute” Searching for cases by Appellant / Respondent Name Searching for cases by Judge Name Searching for cases by Case Note Searching for cases by “Subject / Sub Subject Searching for cases by Date (B) Citation Search
This is a field search interface and will assist you in search for specific judgments / cases
(A) Advance Search
Search for cases by selecting “Act / Statute” Searching for cases by Appellant / Respondent Name Searching for cases by Judge Name Searching for cases by Case Note Searching for cases by “Subject / Sub Subject Searching for cases by Date
Manu Instant Search in Results Timeline Filter Results By Manage existing Searches Session List
Browsing Act Search Search by Act Number
My Notepad Sticky Notes Kapture
My home pages is divided into 2 frames - Left & Right. The Left Frame contains the Table of Content [TOC], which lists the Databases. Headings may be collapsed or expanded individually by clicking on the + and - icons. The main text/document appears in the Right Frame. Show TOC/Hide TOC — This Toggle button displays or hides the Table of Content [TOC]
This interface gives you the single search box experience and assists you to search for key words, phrases, multiple phrases and more. You can perform Boolean searches using Free Text Search. You can type your query and the search engine uses back end algorithms to give results based on relevancy. The results can be sorted on Decision Date; Title; Court Name and Relevancy.
Near each other search is proximity search. This searches for the query terms within 20 words of each other. User does not need to frame the query, but simply check the near each other box.
Search for cases by selecting “Act / Statute”
You have an option to search two acts in combination, by clicking on Add more across the Act text box. Another box will appear where you can type/chose second act to search in combination with the first act. This feature is important as at times provisions of two acts are referred in conjunction to each other in a case.
Searching for cases by “Appellant/Respondent Name” To search for a case by Appellant or Respondent name:
Results obtained from the above query
Searching for cases by "Judge Name"
Searching for cases by "Case Note"
Case Note Search allows you to restrict your search only to the Case Note of a judgment instead of the full text of judgment. This search is restricted to those judgments, which have Case Notes.
Searching for cases by “Subject / Sub Subject”
Searching for cases by “Subject” plus one more parameter of Legal Search (Appellant or Judges)
Searching for cases by "Date" To search for cases on a particular date or period
You can also search on a particular range/period by selecting "Range" option.
Search for cases with Citation. To get unique result specify all components of the publisher’s citation
In the above example we did not specify court name, volume and page number and thus the results are for DLR; year 1953
Journal Titles gives the full form of the abbreviations used for various publications
Note: We cover citations for over 30+ publishers. Even though we have taken adequate care to include as many citations as possible, it may happen that the citation you are searching does not give any result. Please search through some other parameter to find the judgment that you are looking for.
Following is a typical screen shot of how Search results appear.
Manu Instant
This gives a quick bird’s eye view on editorial enhancements The user can now read essential fields like Case Note (based on which a user may decide to read the full text), cases referred with appropriate context of reference, equivalent citations etc.
Graphical representation of the occurance of cases in different years. This provides the user a quick information on the number of verdicts passed and as available in Bdlex database in graphical representation. This feature helps the researcher/ user to form a statistical opinion on prevailing prominence of legal issue during a particular year range vis-a-vis verdicts passed by the respective Courts as covered in Bdlex database.
To see the Timeline Graph in bigger frame, click on the graph in smaller frame appearing in the search window.
Filter Results By:
The search results are further filtered / categorized by Bdlex under various heads making navigation easy for the user. The results are filtered / categorised under heads such as Court, Act, Keyword, Subject, Judge, Period etc. In one glance a user can know how the results are slotted across different heads and straight away access the one that is relevant to his research.
Keywords are based on taxonomy. The filters display the keywords which are based on the subject of the search results.
Save Search — This provides the option of saving your searches for future reference. Click on Save Search. Give the search result a name, “Save search as”, by which you may recognize the search at a future date. The searches are saved on Bdlex servers. For e.g. here we have the saved the search with “child custody” name.
To access your saved searches, go to My Home page using the tab in top bar.
Click on Manage Search
Select the search you want to run from the list
You can delete or rename the selected search.
This Allows you to Add documents for current session. Valid only for current session duration, the session list ceases to exist once you sign off from the current session. Click on the Add to session list link appearing against each document. This helps you to re-search and collate short listed documents for analysing them. You can access the session list from the top menu bar.
The session list appears as follows. You may View the documents by clicking on it, you can also Email, Save and Print the document.
In case multiple documents of the session list need to be emailed or saved one can check the action box & then Email or save.
Bare Acts / Statutes can be viewed directly from the TOC. Click on the + sign next to the Bare Acts & then click on Table of Contents. The Bare Acts are listed in the right frame under Alphabetical & Chronological, listing for India, Bangladesh & Pakistan.
Chronological Index: Clicking on Chronological index shows yearwise listing of the Bare Act. One can click on the year to view Acts appearing in that year.
Alphabetical Index:
Clicking on Alphabetical Index shows Bare Acts listed alphabetically.
In the example below we have clicked on Alphabet A. All the acts starting with A are listed.
To view the complete Act, Click on the Act / Statute
You can do Free Text search or search on act number and title
Example: In the following example we have searched for Section 2 of the Islamic Foundation Act, 1975 - Bangladesh
Select the Search by Act No. radio button.
In first example we have selected `Exact Match'
In second example we have selected `Containing All'
Clicking on the result displays the Index of the Act.
In the Act Search the user has an option to search Section, Order, Article, Schedule etc.
Print Replica are the judgments in PDF format as reported in the journals. These are available for ready download& are accepted in courts. This Icon is displayed at the top right corner of the Judgment.
The documents have the icons for Print, Email, Save on the top right corner.
Once you Click on Print it will show you the Print preview as shown. The example below shows the preview of a doc file. You can print the document thereafter.
Alternately you may Print from the session list also.
Emailing – You can email the displayed document. If you select the “Email this page-option, the following screen will be displayed:
Change the recipient email id if required and click Send. Alternately you may Email from the session list also.
Print, Save, E-mail, Go back to results, Find within Document, Go to top, Go to bottom icons now also appear on right bottom of the page on mouse roll over. Take your cursor to the right bottom of the page for these to appear. No need to scroll to top of the page anymore.
Allows you to make notes online while you research. Clicking on My Notepad opens the pop up where user can make personal notes pertaining to a document being viewed or also make generic notes.
User can create/invite/share the note against a document. The invitation can only be sent to Bdlex’s existing user.
Users can now mark comments, add a note as well as highlight any portion of text while reading the judgement, as per their personal requirement, for future reference.
Then right click on the icon and select “Add Note” option to get a panel on which you can start writing your notes/comments, as shown below. To save the comment, click close button.
You will notice your saved note appearing on the right hand side panel under the comment’s list.
This feature gives the user the option to search for meaning of words/phrases appearing in the documents from the web.
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